July 14. Starting up Hügelkultur nr.1.
July 22. 2013 Rabbalshede, Bohuslän, Sweden.
My first experience to create a Hugelculture/Hügelkultur.
It´s a raised bed containing wood, earth, grass and compost.
Plants: Zuccini, onions, beans, and strawberries.
July 22. 2013 (Novgorod) Rabbalshede Bohuslän Sweden.
It´s a raised bed about 30 cm deep filled with wood logs covered with earth,
then 10 cm with grass more earth and finishing with compost soil with rain worms on top. Plants: Zuccinis, onions, beans, and strawberries.
July 22 2013 (Novgorod) Rabbalshede Bohuslän Sweden.
This is also a raised bed about 30 cm deep and filled with a bigger amount of wood logs,
it´s also wider and with a flat top hold together with a wooden frame.
The idéa is to create a warmer micro climate for the plants.
Plants: Zuccinis, onions, beans, peas and strawberries.